14 July

Entrepreneurship: A growing giant in South Africa?

The current unemployment rate in South Africa is 34.5%. With such a high unemployment rate in South Africa, one should assume that entrepreneurship is an alternative form of generating an income and it should grow at a rapid pace. However, recent surveys indicate that entrepreneurs are not thriving locally. In …
hospitality and catering course
28 June

Setting International Standards for Food Safety

Food safety in simple terms means that whatever we eat is safe to consume. This includes how we clean, prepare, cook and even store the foods we eat. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention’s website, there are four steps to food safety. Clean, separate, cook and chill. …
hospitality and catering courses South Africa
28 June

200 Diseases: Caused by unsafe foods!

Did you know that almost 1 in 10 people fall ill after eating contaminated food? Did you know that unsafe food can cause more than 200 diseases, including mild diarrhea to severe cancer? The World Health Organisation shares these and more shocking statistics on their website, which leads one to …
supply chain management courses
22 June

Supply Chain Management: Stunning Facts & Stats

With our new Supply Chain Management (SCM) courses recently uploaded to our site, we took a look at why SCM is so relevant to almost all industries today. Due to the increasing effects that COVID-19 has had on businesses, understanding and optimization of SCM are crucial. COVID-19 restrictions like restricting …
14 June

5 A’s of Online Learning

We all know that the world is rapidly changing with the internet and the development of new technology that we have to adapt or die, like that cell phone battery you forgot to charge before a long day! The traditional learning environment might include a teacher, a desk, a classroom, …
14 June

50% of the South African population are living in fear!

21% of females in South Africa experience physical violence at the hand of their partners. This statistic was made public in the Crimes Against Women in South Africa, a document published by Stats SA. With more than 50% of the South African population being female, this is a very scary …

Hospitality & Catering Online Courses
27 May

Skills Development, a team perspective – Hospitality and Catering Training

Both restaurant operators and staff love the idea of a more efficient kitchen. Every detail matters, so improving the kitchen’s efficiency will improve productivity in your restaurant. You can improve the organisation and structure of your commercial kitchen by updating its layouts and working stations. Here are four ways to …

Hospitality & Catering Courses Online
27 May

Turn Your Passion for Food into a Full-Time Job

From a young age one is told to find your passion, this passion should then be developed into something that can fulfil the basic need for making a living. Making money and enjoying the process of making money does not always go hand in hand, but taking something you’re passionate …